Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Introducing Android WebDriver

[This post is by Dounia Berrada, an engineer on the EngTools team. — Tim Bray]

Selenium WebDriver is a browser automation tool which provides a lightweight and elegant way for testing web apps. Selenium WebDriver is now available as an SDK extra in the Android SDK, and supports 2.3 (Gingerbread) and onwards!

Whether or not your site is optimized for mobile browsers, you can be sure that users will be accessing it from their phones and tablets. WebDriver makes it easy to write automated tests that ensure your site works correctly when viewed from the Android browser. We’ll walk you through some basics about WebDriver and look at it in action.

WebDriver Basics

WebDriver tests are end-to-end tests that exercise the web application just like a real user would. WebDriver models user interactions with a web page such as finger flicks, finger scrolls and long presses. It can rotate the display and interact with HTML5 features such as local storage, session storage and the application cache. Those tests run as part of an Android tests project and are based on Junit. They can be launched from Eclipse or the command line. WebDriver tests can be wired with a continuous integration system and can run on phone and tablet emulators or real devices. Once the test starts, WebDriver opens a WebView configured like the Android browser and runs the tests against it.

WebDriver is an Android SDK extra and can be installed following these instructions. Once you’ve done that you’ll be ready to write tests! There is a comprehensive WebDriver user guide on the Selenium site, but let’s start with a basic example using to give you a taste of what’s possible.

Getting Started

First, create an Android project containing an empty activity with no layout.

public class SimpleAppActivity extends Activity {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

Then create the Android test project that will contain the tests. WebDriver will create the WebView and set the layout automatically in the main Activity.

Let’s write a test that opens the Google home page on Android and issues a query for “weather in San Francisco”. The test will verify that Google returns search results, and that the first result returned is giving the weather in San Francisco.

public class SimpleGoogleTest extends ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2<SimpleAppActivity> {

public void testGoogleShouldWork() {
// Create a WebDriver instance with the activity in which we want the test to run
WebDriver driver = new AndroidDriver(getActivity());
// Let’s open a web page

// Lookup for the search box by its name
WebElement searchBox = driver.findElement("q"));

// Enter a search query and submit
searchBox.sendKeys("weather in san francisco");

// Making sure that Google shows 11 results
WebElement resultSection = driver.findElement("ires"));
List<WebElement> searchResults = resultSection.findElements(By.tagName("li"));
assertEquals(11, searchResults.size());

// Let’s ensure that the first result shown is the weather widget
WebElement weatherWidget = searchResults.get(0);
assertTrue(weatherWidget.getText().contains("Weather for San Francisco, CA"));

Now let’s see our test in action! WebDriver will create a WebView with the same configuration as the Android browser in the main UI thread, i.e. the activity thread. The activity will display the WebView on the screen, allowing you to see your web application as the test code is executing.

Interaction Testing

We’ve mentioned that WebDriver supports creating advanced gestures to interact with the device. Let’s use WebDriver to throw an image across the screen by flicking horizontally, and ensure that the next image in the gallery is displayed.

WebElement toFlick = driver.findElement("image"));
// 400 pixels left at normal speed
Action flick = getBuilder(driver).flick(toFlick, 0, -400, FlickAction.SPEED_NORMAL)
WebElement secondImage = driver.findElement(“secondImage”);

Now, let’s rotate the screen and ensure that the image displayed on screen is resized.

assertEquals(landscapeSize, secondImage.getSize())
((Rotatable) driver).rotate(ScreenOrientation.PORTRAIT);
assertEquals(portraitSize, secondImage.getSize());

What if your test reveals a bug? You can easily take a screenshot for help in future debugging:

File tempFile = ((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);

Find Out More

If this has whetted your appetite and you’d like to know more, go ahead and install the Android WebDriver, take a look at the documentation on the Selenium project’s wiki, or just browse the javadocs. For questions and feedback not only of the Android WebDriver but also its desktop brethren, please join For announcements keep an eye on

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Changes to Library Projects in Android SDK Tools, r14

Last week, we released the SDK for Android 4.0 and a new set of developer tools, now in revision 14. The updated tools include a lot of build changes, many that improve build performance. Also included is an under-the-hood change in how libraries are used by main projects — a first step in improving library support and code reusability. While the change should have little impact on existing projects, some developers have had issues when migrating to the updated tools. Please read below for more information about the change to library projects and how to solve migration issues.

Previously, library projects were handled as extra resource and source code folders to be used when compiling the resources and the application’s source respectively. While this worked fine for most cases, there were two issues.

1. Developers asked us for the ability to distribute a library as a single jar file that included both compiled code and resources. The nature of Android resources, with their compiled IDs prevented this.

2. The implementation of the library projects was extremely fragile in Eclipse. Adding extra source folders outside of the project folders is non-trivial when it needs to be handled automatically, in a way that doesn’t expose a user’s local installation path (which is required for people working in teams through a source control system such as SVN or git).

For r14, we decided to fix both issues at once, by moving to a compiled-code based library mechanism. This solves the implementation fragility in Eclipse and will allow us to, later, enable distribution of libraries as a single jar file.

As you might have seen in the release notes, moving to this new mechanism can affect existing projects in some cases, but there are simple fixes.

The first impact of this change is that the new library project requires the resource IDs generated by libraries to be non final. This prevents the Java compiler from inlining the values in the library code, and therefore prevents usage of the switch statement in the library code. To address such occurrences in your code, Eclipse provides a refactoring action to convert from switch statements to if/else (see here).

Second, some projects may not have been properly migrated to the new mechanism, resulting in projects that fail to compile, with errors such as duplicated classes being added in the dex build step. ADT 14 should have migrated older projects to the new mechanism but the fragility of the old mechanism may have prevented it from happening. This makes projects reference the libraries twice, using both the old and new mechanisms, which then triggers the libraries classes being packaged twice. If you see this in your projects, look in the Package Explorer for extraneous source folders named with the pattern <libraryname>_src. The screenshot to the right shows an example of this.

To fix the project, you must remove the extraneous source folders with the following steps:

  • Right click source folder and choose Build Path > Remove from Build path
  • A dialog will pop up. In it, make sure to check “Also unlink the folder from the project” to completely remove the folder.

With this change to library projects, we pave the way to better support for reusable components. We will continue working to make components easier to create, work with, and manage. Our goal is to make it easy for developers to create apps with great user experiences that easily adapt to all form factors.

Some developers have also told us that they only use library projects internally, that they don’t need to distribute binary versions and would prefer to continue with a source-based mechanism. We are investigating how we could support this alongside the new mechanism.

Finally, I wanted to point out that we are tracking a few known issues (and workaround for them) in the current r14 tools at this page:

We are working on a tools update that will include fixes for most of these. We are hoping to have it out shortly.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

New Public APIs in ICS

Since Android is open-source, anyone can look at the code and see how it works inside. If you do this, you’ll notice that most but not all of the APIs are publicly documented.

If they’re publicly documented, they’re part of what we consider the Android Application Framework. This means their tests appear in the Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) so that our hardware partners have to prove that the APIs work, and that we promise to try very hard not to change them and thus break your code.

In almost every case, there’s only one reason for leaving APIs undocumented: We’re not sure that what we have now is the best solution, and we think we might have to improve it, and we’re not prepared to make those commitments to testing and preservation.

We’re not claiming that they’re “Private” or “Secret” — How could they be, when anyone in the world can discover them? We’re also not claiming they’re forbidden: If you use them, your code will compile and probably run. And in fact we know of quite a few apps out there whose developers have used undocumented APIs, often to good effect. It’s hard to get too upset about this in cases where there’s a useful API that we haven’t gotten around to stabilizing.

But the developers who use those APIs have to be prepared to deal with the situation that arises when we move them from the undocumented outside into the Android Application Framework. Fortunately, this is reasonably straightforward. Also we take a close look at Android Market, using our in-house analytics tools, to get a feel for the impact when we know one of these changes is coming.

There are a few such changes coming up in the Android 4.0 “Ice Cream Sandwich” (ICS) release of Android. We wanted to take the opportunity to combine these words on undocumented APIs with some specifics about the changes.


Let’s start with the good news: As of ICS, the Android Framework will include a fully-worked-out set of APIs for accessing Calendar data. You can guess the bad news: Quite a few developers have built apps (including many good ones) using the undocumented Calendar APIs, some using fairly low-level access to the calendar database. Unfortunately, these integrations were unsupported, and prone to breakage by platform updates or OEM customization of calendar features.

We want to see lots of good calendar apps and extensions that work reliably across Android devices, and aren't broken by platform updates. So we decided to create a clean API, including a comprehensive set of Intents, to manage calendar data in ICS. Now anyone can code against these new APIs and know that Android is committed to supporting them, and that partners have to support these APIs as part of CTS.

Once the new APIs arrive, you’re going to have to update your apps before they’ll run correctly on ICS while still working on older releases. There are a variety of techniques for doing that, many of which have been featured on this blog, including reflection and lazy loading. Recently, we introduced Multiple-APK support, which could also be used to help with this sort of transition.

Text To Speech

Android has never really had a text-to-speech API at the Framework level, but there was unofficial access at the C++ level. With ICS, we will have a fully-thought-through application-level API running on Dalvik, so you can access it with ordinary Java-language application code.

The old C++ API will no longer be supported, but we’ll have a compatibility layer that you can use to bridge from it to the new API. We think it should be easy to update for ICS with very little work.

Doing the Right Thing

We recognize that this means some work for developers affected by these changes, but we’re confident that Android programs in general, and both Calendar and TTS apps in particular, will come out ahead. And we also think that most developers know that when they use undocumented APIs, they’re making a commitment to doing the right thing when those APIs change.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Viber Free Calls &amp; Messages v2.1.2.116554

Written on October 20, 2011 at 12:52 am by

Filed under Android apps {no comments}

Viber : Free Calls & Messages

Viber Free Calls & Messages v2.1.2.116554

Requirements: ANDROID 2.0 and up
Overview: Viber – Be Free to Communicate. Call and text anyone, anywhere.

Viber Free Calls & Messages v2.1.2.116554

Viber is an Android* and iPhone application that lets you make free phone calls and send free text messages to other users that have Viber installed. When you use Viber, your phone calls to any other Viber user are free, and the sound quality is much better than a regular call. You can call any Viber user, anywhere in the world, for free and now also text them. All Viber features are 100% FREE and do not require any additional “in application” purchase.

Read our privacy policy here:

* COMPLETELY FREE AND WITH NO ADS: Viber and all Viber features are absolutely free and do not require any additional “in application” purchase. Once you and your friends install the free Viber application, you can use it to talk and also text as much as you want. Just makes sure all your friends get Viber! All you need is an Internet connection: 3G or Wi-Fi where available. On top of that, Viber doesn’t contain any annoying ads.
* NO INTERNATIONAL CHARGES: It doesn’t matter where you or your friends are, be it on the same network or in a totally different country. You can talk for as much as you want, for free. Just make sure your friends have Viber too.
* NO USERNAMES, PASSWORDS OR REGISTRATION: You know your friend’s phone number, so why bother with yet another username and password? Viber uses your phone number as your “identity” and lets you make free Viber phone calls to any of your friends that have Viber – using THEIR phone number.
* NO NEED TO ADD BUDDIES: Unlike applications like Skype, Windows Live Messenger or Fring where you need to “add buddies” and have them approve you, Viber behaves just like a phone. Just like you don’t need to “add” someone in order to call them, you don’t need to add your friends in order to call them on Viber. If you know their phone number, then you know their Viber number, and you’re ready to go!
* DON’T KILL YOUR VIBER: To make sure you always get incoming calls/messages notifications, we strongly recommend you to keep Viber running in the background. This doesn’t drain your battery or use up memory and improves your Viber experience.
* SOUND QUALITY: Viber uses state of the art technology in order to make sure the sound quality you get is much better than GSM or a regular phone call.
* MUCH MORE COMING: We are hard at work bringing many more features to your Viber phone. More ringtones (and custom ones), wallpapers, location based services and more are all coming soon to Viber!

Video preview:

What’s in this version:
Bug Fixes
IMPORTANT: Before upgrading to this version please exit Viber. This can be done by using the Exit button in the More screen.
All new Voice engine!
Viber is now location-aware! Share your current location with your contacts so that they will know from where your message was sent.
Send and receive Photos.
New “is typing” indicator will notify you when he or she is typing a new message.
Landscape support for Messages.

Viber Free Calls & Messages v2.1.2.116554



Mirror 1

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Android 4.0 Platform and Updated SDK Tools

ICS logo

Today we are announcing Android 4.0, Ice Cream Sandwich — a new version of the platform that brings a refined, unified user experience for phones, tablets, and more.

Android 4.0 builds on the things people love most about Android — efficient multitasking, rich notifications, customizable home screens, resizable widgets, and deep interactivity — and adds powerful new ways of communicating and sharing. It includes many great features for users, including social and sharing integration, network data usage control, innovative connectivity and camera options, and an updated set of standard apps.

For developers, Android 4.0 introduces many new capabilities and APIs. Here are some highlights:

Unified UI toolkit: A single set of UI components, styles, and capabilities for phones, tablets, and other devices.

Rich communication and sharing: New social and calendar APIs, Android Beam for NFC-based instant sharing, Wi-Fi Direct support, Bluetooth Health Device Profile support.

Deep interactivity and customization: Improved notifications, lockscreen with camera and music controls, and improved app management in the launcher.

New graphics, camera, and media capabilities: Image and video effects, precise camera metering and face detection, new media codecs and containers.

Interface and input: Hardware-accelerated 2D drawing, new grid-based layout, improved soft keyboard, spell-checker API, stylus input support, and better mouse support.

Improved accessibility: New accessibility APIs and text-to-speech APIs for writing new engines.

Enhancements for enterprise: Keychain and VPN APIs for managing credentials and connections, a new administrator policy for disabling the camera.

For a complete overview of what’s new for users and developers, please read the Android 4.0 Platform Highlights.

Alongside the new Android platform, we are releasing new versions of the SDK Tools (r14) and ADT Plugin (14.0) for Eclipse. Among the highlights are:

  • Improved build performance in Ant and Eclipse

  • Improved layout and XML editors

To get started developing on Android 4.0, visit the Android Developers site for information about the Android 4.0 platform, the SDK Tools, and the ADT Plugin.

If you have already developed and published apps, we encourage you to download the Android 4.0 platform now, to begin testing your app before devices arrive in stores.

Check out the video below for a closer look at Android 4.0 in action.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Backup SMS for Android on PC


VeryAndroid SMS Backup is a sharp andriod sms patronage software that crapper double and patronage sms for Android sound to computer, change sms patronage file to some robot phone, and also send messages or chitchat with a friend on machine directly, just the same as that you do on your robot phone.

It crapper support you:
- Copy and patronage sms from Anroid sound to computer.
- Restore sms from CSV to robot sound some time.
- Send SMS & SMS Chat on machine directly.
- Transfer sms to robot sound from another phones (iPhone, Windows Mobile, Nokia, Blackberry etc).
- View sms messages in threading mode on computer.

Go to the Market (on your Android) and see for VeryAndroid SMS Backup and try.

MagicLocker Main 1.1.2 CyberAndroid


MagicLocker Main 1.1.2 CyberAndroid

Overview: MagicLocker is a Lockscreen app which aims to provide users more flaming and flexible Lockscreen choices by applying assorted themes.
Requirements: ANDROID: 2.2 and up

Even since you establish this app, you module enjoy daylong choices of Lockscreen!
The MagicLocker Main App meet includes digit thought - 'Lost Robot', as the choice theme, you crapper see more themes in Google Market. For more info gratify intend to below Q&A section.
Q: How to connexion more MagicLocker Themes?
A: You crapper advise 'More Themes' fix in 'MagicLocker Setting -> Themes Tab'. Or see 'mobi.lockscreen.magiclocker.theme' in Google Market directly.
Q: How to establish MagicLocker Themes?
A: After you establish a MagicLocker thought app, you requirement to separate the thought app and advise 'Install this theme' fix in the thought dialog.
Q: How to uninstall MagicLocker Themes?
A: You crapper daylong advise a thought in 'MagicLocker Setting -> Themes Tab' then advise 'Uninstall theme'. Or go to 'System Setting -> Applications -> Manage applications' then connexion the thought App to uninstall as generalized App.
Q: Why the 'Lost Robot' thought can't be uninstalled from MagicLocker?
A: 'Lost Robot' is the choice thought in MagicLocker and MagicLocker staleness secure there is at small digit thought exist.
Q: Why a thought disappeared from 'MagicLocker Setting -> Themes Tab'?
A: First, gratify secure your SD card is available, if yes, gratify essay to reinstall the thought app.

About permissions:
Please attending that MagicLocker requires a number of permissions, the determine is to start another Apps from the lockscreen, while we definitely won't feature the table in users' phone. For example, we proclaimed SMS feature authorisation in order to start the SMS App, while we module not feature any noesis of the SMS.
About threefold lockscreen.
There is a rattling secondary chance that your sound haw connexion threefold hair screen: Andriod System Lockscreen and MagicLocker, this is caused by whatever specific defects carried by Android system. Don't worry, this difficulty crapper be immobile rattling easily: gratify go to "setting" of MagicLocker, uncheck the "Enable MagicLock" Checkbox first, then "check" it again. At the aforementioned time, we module ready a near eye to this supply and update it as soon as Google fix it.

Akinator 2.14.0 CyberAndroid


Akinator 2.14.0 CyberAndroid

Overview: Akinator, the Web Genius
Requirements: Android OS 1.5+

Akinator the Genius can feature your mind and tell you who you're intellection of by responsive a some questions.
Think most a real or fictional character and he will essay to surmisal who it is !

Features :
- personalization
- deal on facebook
- superior Akinator graphics
- akinometer

- app requires internet access

What's in this version:
android 1.6 fix

Saturday, October 8, 2011

AppMonster Pro v2.2.2


AppMonster Pro v2.2.2 Proper
Requirements: Android OS 1.5 +
Overview: Application manager for android.

Backup, change and control your apps. Helpful after sound reset or alter to a newborn phone, downgrade to older app versions as well.

Fast&easy app management:
* Automatic (silent) patronage on newborn app installations
* Quick uninstall, establish from SD card
* Batch backup, restore
* Backup/restore .apk-install-files or market links
* Access to long robot features same cache, app2sd
* Sort by Name, Date, Size
* Display Appdetails same AdMob, protected
* Export Market-Links per eMail, Twitter, Facebook
* Multiple edition backup

The prototypal software manager for Android, since 03. March 2009 on Market

Languages: English, German, Russian, Spanish

Many to Spanish Translation Group from

What's in this version:
Sending single archive-versions
Backup protected apps (market-links only)
Search in the archives
Send the hardback up apps (by eMail, Dropbox etc.)
Easier environment of the patronage paths


Sleepy Jack v8055 [Xperia Play Required] &amp; [All Device Version]


Sleepy Jack v8055 [Xperia Play Required] & [All Device Version]
Requirements: Android
Overview: The Game of Your DREAMS!

Meet Sleepy Jack, brought to you by SilverTree Media, the team behind the #1 impact mettlesome Cordy! Each period Jack dreams of his favorite toys: laser-ing Galaxianoids, armament powder-packed inhospitable dwellers, electricity zapping creatures of the Deep Deep Sea and Crazy Bosses! Help Sleepy Jack fly, dodge, collect, shoot, and bomb his artefact through 30 impressive dream worlds in this console-quality 3D flying game, with more levels on the way! Download Sleepy Jack now, and get primed for the mettlesome you've ever dreamed of playing!

• Sleepy Jack is available EXCLUSIVELY on the Xperia PLAY for a restricted time! This denomination is definitely Xperia PLAY optimized! Play with slider controls or contact screen.

**SALE PRICE** EXCLUSIVE TO XPERIA PLAY!! exclusive for a rattling restricted time!**

• TOP 10 BEST OF E3 2011. "adorable Psychonauts-esque show and solid gameplay...that is also dripless and arcadey" - Pocket Gamer

• COOL ACHIEVEMENTS. Earn badges for style. And if you like, share them with your friends on Facebook.

• HOURS OF GAMEPLAY. 30 levels of fast-paced fun, nonnegative tons of replay value. Can you vex the clock, and catch every Z? solon levels on the way!

• "LIKE" Sleepy Jack at

You MUST have an Xperia Play to establish this game. There is no exception. It has been coded this artefact by the developer.

Xperia Play Required:


SoundHound ∞ v2.7.5


SoundHound ∞ v2.7.5
Requirements: Android 1.6+
Overview: SoundHound is fast penalization see and discovery:

♪ The world's FASTEST penalization recognition: study tunes activity from a utterer in as lowercase as quaternary seconds
♪ The world's exclusive viable melodic and noise recognition
♪ Home screen widget allows you to refer penalization without launching the app
♪ Instant lyrics and creator info
♪ Split-second Say search: meet speak a denomination or adornment study to check it out

Top 10 Must-Have Android Apps
-Bob Tedeschi, NY Times, Nov. 2010
Best Music Engagement App
- BILLBOARD Music App Awards, Oct. 2010
"Genius, isn't it?" - B.B.C. World Radio
"This is amazing... insane, right?"
-David Pogue of the NY Times

And there's more: Geotagging options, Facebook and Twitter sharing, previews, purchase links, flooded size YouTube videos, and your selection artists' crowning songs and bios.

Recent changes:
1. Important bug fix for HTC figure users who are upgrading from an senior version of SoundHound
2. Fix for problems with Facebook sign-ons and additional Facebook azygos sign-ons for grouping with the Facebook app installed
3. Various other bug fixes
4. A few updated icons

Download: Mirror:

N64oid (Nintendo N64 emulator) v2.4.1 (FULL) + The best Roms


UPDATE 04.10..2011

N64oid (Nintendo N64 emulator) v2.4.1 (FULL)
Requirements: Android
Overview: N64oid is the Nintendo 64 emulator optimized for Android.

N64oid is the rattling famous Nintendo 64 emulator optimized for Android. It is a opening of Mupen64plus, along with Ari64's ARM dynarec (and gles2N64 as an option).

* Run most games smoothly at a commonsensible pace (if not flooded speed) with sound. This requires you hit a high-end figure (Nexus-S, Galaxy-S, Xoom, etc).
* Good mettlesome compatibility compared to another N64 emulators running on mobile devices. And most probable more issues module be fixed in future updates.
* Save/load mettlesome states at ANY points, as well as in-game spend support. Save files are fully harmonious with Mupen64plus on PC.
* A configurable, translucent on-screen keyboard that is rattling cushy to use.
* Key mappings to transpose mettlesome keys to hardware buttons.
* Option to ingest the G-sensor as the analog stick.
* A variety of settings that you can set on your needs.

*System requirement*
- Android 2.0 or above
- ARMv7 harmonious CPU
- OpenGL-ES 2.0

*NOTE*: Save files generated by v1.1.4 are no individual supported. Sorry!

- Mupen64plus team
- Ari64 for his superior ARM dynarec
- gles2N64 send team
- Crualfoxhound for beta investigating (Plus he's ever been ready to respond questions on the forum)

- Fixed book textures in 'Mace - the Dark Age'
- Fixed flushed road in 'S.C.A.R.S.'
- Support up to 4 Bluetooth gamepads finished BluezIME, with TRUE analog input support!
- Improved general performance a bit
- Fixed depth supply in some games on destined models (eg. Nexus-S)
- Fixed 'Lens of truth' in Zelda
- Fixed secondary gfx issues in DKR and Dukem64
- Fixed break and graphics supply on Droid-3
- Fixed a lot of non-(U) games
- Fixed secondary gfx issues in 'Animal Forest' and 'Diddy Kong Racing'
- Fixed screenshot upside-down on Galaxy S2
- Fixed concealment shifting and black sky in 'Start Wars EP1 Racer'
- Fixed some absent objects in 'LEGO Racers'
- Option to enable Rumble pak (emulated by moving your phone!)
- Fixed texture issues on destined devices.
- Fixed break in:
* Zelda OOT & MM
* Perfect Dark
* Ogre Battle 64
- Option to enable atmosphere effect (making games like StarFox more realistic!)
- Fixed depth supply in 'Toy Story 2'
- Fixed Zelda OOT: get back the absent health hunch and mini container cursors (could mend similar issues in another games as well)
- Joystick/gamepad hold on Android 3.1 (iControlPad tested)
- Add hurried load/save fix on Action Bar (for Honeycomb)
- Fixed depth supply on Galaxy S2
- Changed to a new app picture


Here the prizewinning roms:
N64 Rom List



Requirements: Android 2.0+

After 20 eld of peace in Northern Udar, a coercive new Demon danger has emerged under the bidding of the evil Demon King Kilic. The Demons hit occupy and transformed the once spirited land into a sink of danger and evil. Only the courageous Eternity Warriors crapper defeat this ascension danger to the concern of Humans and Elves!

3D vision concern with fast-paced melee state gameplay: Experience an amazing difference of onerous and light attacks, disrespectful primary moves and coercive combos to take discover the hoards of fiendish enemies

Spectacular sword-wielding conflict alongside your actual friends: The Eternity Warriors ever fisticuffs the Demon danger together with man clan members institute on Facebook and OpenFeint.
Magical clothing of swords, axes, armors and power-ups: To be a genuinely enthusiastic warrior you requirement genuinely enthusiastic weapons. Build your inventory with some of the large and most dementedly coercive weapons imaginable!

What's in this version:
Additional fixes and mettlesome tuning


Friday, October 7, 2011

Apk - LCG X-plore V1.56 Android



  • ☆Integrated book and ikon viewer
    ☆View enter detail
    ☆Rename and delete files
    ☆Create or edit book files
    ☆Create folders
    ☆Copy or advise files and folders
    ☆Send files via Bluetooth
    ☆Extract files from Zip,Rar,Jar archives
    ☆Pack files to Zip archive
    ☆View Word documents
    ☆Hardware device info
    ☆Built-in information updater
    ☆Hex viewer and editor
    ☆Search files
    ☆Folder hotkeys
    ☆Simple frequence player

Change log- v1.56
- Some bug fixed
- Android: Video viewer, fixes of crashes
-S60 2nd edition: freeware

Download Here

Emissary of War v1.1.2


Emissary of War v1.1.2
Requirements: Android 2.1 and up
Overview: The emissary's travelling is nearly complete! Only a azygos accord relic to be brokered and then home to a hard-earned rest. As daylong as null goes wrong…

Hack and cutting your artefact through legions of mercenaries and monsters that poverty you dead, as you fisticuffs to uncover he info strategy against your dominion.

Download Links/Instructions: Install apk enter and ingest wifi/3g to get the remaining data folder (20 mb)

Mirrors: SD Files: Mirror: SD.rar

Air Penguin v1.0.1


Air Penguin v1.0.1
Requirements: Android 2.1+
Overview: Jump, control and dodge finished Antarctica.

Air Penguin is unbelievably simple and highly addictive. All you need to know is how to tilt.
Journey finished the icy South Pole to support Air Penguin spend his kinsfolk from unfrozen ice caps.

Who said penguins can't fly?! Make them surface their tiny wings!
Tilt your way discover of danger as you bounce, glide and motion finished this Antarctic undertaking today!


Tilt Air Penguin in all directions to guide him safely finished the Antarctic

Campaign finished 125 stages in Story Mode or wager how far you can go in Survival Mode

Hitch a lift on a turtle's back, trend time provoked sharks and check discover for anorectic ice

Acquire seek to use special features and abilities to support you on your way

Experience the lovable concern of Air Penguin deform in hi-res graphics

Download: Mirror:

Dr.Web Anti-virus 6.01.3 CyberAndroid


Dr.Web Anti-virus 6.01.3 Full CyberAndroid

Overview: A favourite anti-virus for Android from directive Slavonic anti-virus vendor Doctor Web, whose acclaimed products prototypal appeared on the mart in 1992.
Requirements: every Android versions
Category: Tools

A favourite anti-virus for Android from directive Slavonic anti-virus vendor Doctor Web, whose acclaimed products prototypal appeared on the mart in 1992.

Dr.Web Anti-virus is an anti-virus enhanced with an anti-spam feature. With Dr.Web for Android installed on your ambulatory device, you’ll hit ostensibly countless ways to flexibly filter inbound calls and SMS messages and also desktop widgets.

The information does not affect OS performance, and â€" more essential â€" does not turn shelling life.

Dr.Web Anti-virus uses Origins Tracingâ„¢ for Android â€" the unique formula to notice malware designed specially for Android. This formula allows detecting the newborn virus families using the noesis database on previous threats. Origins Tracing for Android can refer the recompiled viruses, e.g. Android.SMSSend, Android.MobileSpy, as substantially as the applications pussy by Android.ADRD, Android.Geinimi, Android.DreamExploid.

The names of the threats perceived using Origins Tracing for Android are Android.VirusName.origin.

Dr.Web Anti-virus key features:
- Non-stop anti-virus protection. Non-stop, real-time enter grouping scanning is performed by the SpIDer Guard enter monitor. It scans every files every time an attempt to spend them to memory is detected, thusly protecting the grouping from section threats.
- On-demand scanning. On-demand grouping checks are performed using a primary component â€" a scanner. Dr.Web for Android lets you perform hurried or flooded file-system scans as substantially as scan individualist files and folders.
- Neutralization of threats.
- Filtering mode selection.
- Negroid list editing. Should you desire to block inbound calls and messages from destined numbers, you may include them in the black list.
- Filter creation. Dr.Web Anti-virus lets you configure custom filtering modes for calls and messages.
- Viewing of blocked calls and messages.

Dr.Web Anti-virus is a sure tool to protect your Android-based ambulatory figure from viruses, hackers, undesirable calls and SMS spam!
Less statement »

Recent changes:
- Anti-theft;
- Greek language;
- Renewal Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 capability;
- Bug fixes.

Latest version: 6.01.3 (for every Android versions)

HD Widgets v1.0.9

HD Widgets

HD Widgets v1.0.9

Requirements: Android 3.0 and up
Overview: Big Widgets for Big Screens! New for Honeycomb tablets!

HD Widgets v1.0.9

HD Widgets does two things: gives you great looking widget and makes it fun and easy to customize them.

The app includes a dozen colorful, tablet-ready widgets including 2 tablet-wide headers (8×2, 8×1) and a half-page widget (4×7). Most display time and weather while the larger ones include your choice of 5-day forecast or utility switches.

The best part of HD Widgets is how fun and easy it is to use. Everything in the app is swipe-able: the menu, the pages, and the options. You just swipe left and right to change details on the fly. You can mix and match 30 different clocks (LED, flip clock, and Honeycomb) with backgrounds, layouts, and options. Simple! preview: 

App Features
- fullscreen tablet app
- fun & unique “slidey-nav” UI
- quick and easy editing
- visual configuration
- page swiping, menu swiping, option swiping
- Fullscreen weather activity
- HD weather icons
- quick tips to help you get started

Widget Features
- 12 beautiful widgets
- clock, date, location, weather, forecast, & utility switches
- LED, Flip Clock, & Honeycomb (over 50 variations)
- over a dozen backgrounds
- 3 large tablet-only widgets
- 100s of configurations
- tapable widgets

- choice of AccuWeather or WeatherBug service
- 12 / 24 hr clock
- F / C temperature

What’s in this version:
Small but important bug fix for weather services

HD Widgets v1.0.9



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Gun Strike v0.9.5

Gun Strike v0.9.5

Gun Strike v0.9.5

Requirements: Android 2.2 and up
Overview: You are as a battle-hardened mercenary to fight enemies using a variety of weapons. Totally 15 weapons, grenade and 3 armors can be bought in store. To make money by completing more tasks to buy better equipments. There are 60 levels in 6 maps and 2 extra funny games. And a number of game achievements and online leaderboards, players can join with the global rivalry.

- More than 10 role modules performed a total of more than 30 different acts.

- There are 6 theme maps with totally 60 levels and dozens enemy waypoints.
- The 2 extra mini games can train player’s reaction.

- 15 Weapons include MP5,P90,AK47,M16A1,Benelli M4,AWP,M4A1,AUG,M249 SAW,HK G3SG,CheyTac M200,Barrett M82,Beretta M92F,Desert Eagle,Five-seveN
- To master the reload time, switch the main and sub weapons timely, and throw grenades to a group enemies occasionally is an essential skill to get high score.

- Variety of realistic dynamic physics effects, such as hit strike, explosion, death drop, etc.
- Variety of particle effects with rhythmic background music and sound effects.

48 Achievements and 11 Online Leaderboards to compete with global players.

*. When the game play is not smooth, try to set the ‘Effect Level’ in GameOption to normal.

Android 2.2/ 320×480/ 1GHz CPU/ 512MB RAM

Gun Strike v0.9.5



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Thursday, October 6, 2011

EasyBand Studio 1.0.4 CyberAndroid


EasyBand Studio 1.0.4 CyberAndroid

Overview: EasyBand is an machine conception agency for musicians. Use for creating playbacks, practicing solos and sketching your ideas on the go.
Requirements: Android 2.2+
Category: Music & Audio

Just drop chords into the timeline, superior style and tempo and click play.

EasyBand supports up to 8 crisp parts. Build your strain digit conception at a instance and then ingest the strain application to make the complete strain from the different parts.

Each EasyBand style has 2 variants, 2 fills, an intro and an ending pattern. Each alteration crapper be practical to individualist chords or to an whole part.

You crapper dampen individualist helper to center exclusive the instruments you need. For example, if you are a drummer, you crapper dampen the drums helper patch practicing.

New!!! Community scheme place (Beta) allows you to share and download songs and chords from EasyBand Community website. Register and h

You crapper goods your project as both Wav files and Midi files.

If you possess FourTracks Pro app, you crapper goods EasyBand's project as wav files specifically fit for commercialism them into FourTracks and intermixture them down with audio recording.

What's in this version:
- Fixed crash that happened on whatever phones. Please try and occurrence us if the problem ease persist.

Smart App Protector 3.8.1 CyberAndroid


Smart App Protector 3.8.1 CyberAndroid (app lock+)

Overview: Do you wanna protect a app from another people?
Requirements: Android OS 2.0 - 2.3

- If you run this app in training hindrance list, can use it by password.(ex. gallery, communication app, call story app, and so on)(app lock)
·During use a app, does a concealment drop discover repeatedly?
- Register the app that you poverty not to drop discover to the itemize of concealment drop discover prevention.
·A concealment is changed widthwise again and again so, are you inconvenient?
- Register that app to the itemize of machine concealment turn prevention

* Feature
1) App password(or pattern)lock
2) Prevent machine concealment drop out(need to register)
3) prevent machine concealment turn(need to register)

* Other
- ornament lock
- locking delay setting
- hair concealment setting(background and more)
- app-lock time setting
- cushy lock-activation by widget & notification bar

* favoring version
- ads free
- no app entrance limited

What's in this version:
· 'Remote Lock Control' feature fault fix(not working issue in some device & reboot issue)
· 'Unlocking Limit' feature fault fix
· another reported fault fix

ColorNote Notepad Notes 3.6.4 CyberAndroid


ColorNote Notepad Notes 3.6.4 CyberAndroid

Overview: Color Note is a notepad app which provide you a better state redaction experience.
Requirements: ANDROID 1.5 and up
Category: Productivity

Color Note is a ultimate notepad app. It provide you a hurried and ultimate notepad redaction undergo when you indite notes, email, message, shopping lists and todo lists. Color Note makes taking a state easier than some other notepad apps.

If you cannot encounter widget, gratify read beneath FAQ. It is not a bug.

-Organize notes by color
-Sticky Note Widget
-Checklist for ToDo & Shopping list
-Organize your schedule in calendar
-Protect your notes by passcode
Password Lock/Unlock note
-Secured patronage notes to sd storage
-Supports online backwards up and sync. You crapper sync notes between phone and tablet.
-Reminder on position bar
-List/Grid View
-Search notes
-Notepad supports ColorDict Add-On
-Powerful Reminder : Time Alarm, All day, Repetition.(lunar calendar)
-Quick state / notes
-Wiki link : [[Title]]
-Share notes via SMS, email, twitter
-Use colouration to categorize notes.

*** Online patronage and sync darken assist ***
-Notes module be encrypted before uploading using the AES standard, which is the same coding standard utilised by banks to bonded client data.
-It does not beam some of your notes to server without your language up.

*** About Permissions ***
-Internet Access : For online patronage & sync
-Modify/delete SD bill table : For patronage to sdcard
-Prevent phone from sleeping, curb vibrator, automatically start at rush : For reminder

Q : How do you place sticky notes on the bag screen?
A : Goto bag concealment and daylong advise empty space and opt widget, Color Note module be there for sticking on page.
Q : How come the widget and the signal and remider functions don't work?
A : If the app is installed on the SD card, your widget, reminder and etc. module not impact properly because Android doesn't support them! If you hit already touched app to SD card, but you poverty those features, you hit to advise it backwards to figure and reboot you phone.
Settings - Applications - Manage Applications - ColorNote - Move to Device
Q : Where is hardback up notes accumulation at sdcard?
A : /data/colornote on sdcard
Q : I had to reinstall colouration notes notepad and there is an semiautomatic hardback up notes accumulation that was stored but it requires a countersign and I hadn't ordered digit up in the past. How do I regain that information?
A : Try choice countersign '0000' (numbers)
Q: I forgot my officer password, how crapper I modify it?
A: Menu -> Settings -> Master Password -> Menu Button-> Clear Password. You module lose underway locked notes when you country password!

*** Product Description ***
Color Note notepad features two base state taking formats, a lined-paper styled book choice and a tralatitious checklist option. Add as some as you poverty to your officer list, which appears on the app's bag concealment each instance the program opens. This itemize haw be viewed in tralatitious rising order, in a grid format, or by the colouration of the note.

- Taking a Note -
Serving as a ultimate articulate processing program, the book choice allows for as some characters as you're selection to identify with your device's virtual or fleshly keyboard. Once saved, you crapper edit, share, ordered a reminder, analyse soured or withdraw the state ended your device's schedule button. When checking soured a book note, the app places a cutting ended the list's title, a evaluation that shows on the important menu.

- Making a To-Do List -
In the checklist mode, you crapper add as some items as you'd same and advise their visit around with the up and downbound buttons reactive in the modify mode. After the itemize is ended and saved, you haw check, and uncheck, each distinction on your itemize (from grocery store items to home chores) with a hurried touch that generates a distinction slash. If every items hit been checked, the list's title is slashed as well.
When you're ended using the notepad, an semiautomatic spend bidding preserves your individual state before backward you to Color Note's homescreen.

Titanium Backup 4.5.1 Version for Android


What's in this version 4.5.1:
• Better PRO licensing, crapper appendage up to 1 month without cyberspace access!
• Improved "Integrate system app update into ROM" entireness on more devices (eg: LG, Droid).
• Filters crapper see collection obloquy too.
• Bugfix on devices with read-only SD: the PRO key shall work properly & "sync settings" shall work.
• Fixed Dropbox sync bug: if patronage folder is blank but has remaining metadata, TB module behave properly & sync backwards from Dropbox.
• Fixed FC with German.
• Misc bugfixes.
• Big movement updates.

download here

HDR Camera+ 1.73 CyberAndroid


HDR Camera+ 1.73 CyberAndroid

Overview: Capture broad calibre HDR images in flooded resolution
Requirements: Android OS 2.2+

Capture broad calibre High Dynamic Range images:
- Full resolution
- Take HDR ikon in digit tap
- HDR ikon fused and tone-mapped on device within seconds
- Don't hit to be rock-solid patch shooting
- Correct direction of agitated objects and de-ghosting
- You can control tone-mapping parameters: contrast, micro-contrast, colouration vividness, exposure
- Save original danger bracketed images
- Location tagging
- Shutter sound can be muted
- Support for Flash on/off/auto

Real chronicle scenes ofttimes hit a wide arrange of light intensity, which cannot be captured by a camera. In a picture of much a environs the bright areas countenance washed discover and everything in shadows is represented as a black blot with no details. The HDR framework allows you to getting info in bright and Stygian areas and hit them merged in a azygos photo.

HDR picturing is widely adoptive by professed photographers. Wouldn't it be pleasant to hit an HDR in ambulatory phones?
The difficulty is that HDR requires taking individual differently exposed images in series, which staleness be precisely allied and then fused. In order to be disposable for actual chronicle scenes, the HDR feature should include agitated object spotting and assistance stir compensation to avoid or minimize the ghosting in the test image. That requires a aggregation of computational resources and makes a challenge even for professed desktop HDR software.

Almalence has brought its skillfulness in professed HDR software to ambulatory phones. Our HDR fusion algorithms equilibrate assistance quiver and notice agitated objects in the scene, suppressing ghosting artifacts. At the aforementioned time, the algorithms are hurried sufficiency to wage easy processing instance on ambulatory devices.

What's in this version:
Gallery start list improved
Saving directory is changed to DCIM/Camera/ to prevent issues with some room apps not display images
Full media scan if per-file media scan failed (fix for images not display up in a gallery)
Minor unchangeability fixes
Translated to locales: de, es, fr, it, ja, pt, ru, zh

WhitePages with Caller ID 3.4.2

Written on October 6, 2011 at 7:43 am by

Filed under Android apps {no comments}

WhitePages with Caller ID

WhitePages with Caller ID 3.4.2

Requirements: Android 2.1 & up
Overview: Identify unknown callers and avoid telemarketers with Caller ID from WhitePages.

WhitePages with Caller ID 3.4.2

The largest Android Caller ID service with over 600 million numbers! Includes mobile/cell phones, company & work listings, household members and more.
Please upgrade to the most recent version to fix a recent issue causing app crashes. We apologize for the problems this caused.

Look up incoming calls automatically, either during or after the call.
Add WhitePages info to your phone contacts, or share by email or text.
Includes full WhitePages & Yellow Pages search to find find friends and nearby businesses fast!
The app comes with 6 months of Premium Caller ID. After 6 months, you’ll have the option to renew Premium Caller ID, or keep using our landline-only Standard Caller ID for free.

Video preview: 

WhitePages with Caller ID 3.4.2


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WP7 ZPlayer v2.99b

Written on October 6, 2011 at 7:35 am by

Filed under Android apps {no comments}


WP7 ZPlayer v2.99b

Requirements: Android 2.1+
Overview: Windows Phone 7 / Zune themed media player for Android OS.

Windows Phone 7 / Zune themed media player for Android OS.

++The volume keys always bring up the music controls, even when the lockscreen is used.

++ If you use a third party equalizer that controls the output mix for all media playing on the device, disable it before using this application. This application needs to control its own audio effects.

Video preview:

What’s in this version:
-Many bug fixes
-Added many visual enhancements
-Added an album preview mode for albums not in library (experimental)
-Added artist image on lockscreen

WP7 ZPlayer v2.99b



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