Thursday, January 12, 2012

LG signs patent licensing deal with Microsoft

LG signs patent licensing deal with Microsoft

LG signs patent licensing deal with Microsoft

LG is the latest major player in Android to cede a licensing agreement with Microsoft, leaving only Motorola without one.

The deal means that LG will be paying Microsoft for use of their patents in any of LG’s phones, tablets or “other consumer devices” that run either Android or Google Chrome OS.

LG becomes the eleventh Android OEM to sign such a deal with Microsoft leaving only Motorola out of the bigger ones. Motorola is already being sued by Microsoft over alleged patent infringement.

HTC and Samsung each have patent licensing deals with Microsoft, which require them to push out Windows Phone devices and pay for promotion and marketing of the OS. It’s unclear if LG has similar requirements to cover.

LG signs patent licensing deal with Microsoft

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