Monday, June 6, 2011

HTC ChaCha gets a CPU upgrade, makes status updates speedier

The Facebook-centered HTC ChaCha has just started shipping and its early adopters were treated to a nice surprise by the Taiwanese company. The CPU inside the Android smartphone has been quietly upgraded to 800 MHz from the previously promised 600 MHz.
There are no other changes to the hardware of the device, but a 33% improvement in the processor speed should have a pretty good effect on user experience by itself. The good news comes on the heels of the first software update that HTC released for the ChaCha and shows that the company plans to take good care of its first “Facebook phone”.
Now the future seems even brighter for the HTC ChaCha, which pulled off the seemingly impossible for a mid-range device stunt of standing out in the over-crowded Android market.
We are already eager to take the ChaCha for a spin so you can be sure that we will be doing our best to secure a test unit and give it the full review treatment. How about you, the Facebook fans out there - are you willing to give it a try? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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