Saturday, January 22, 2011

iPhone 5 and iPad 2 Will Embed A5 Dual-Core Processors

The closer the time of the launch of the iPad 2. As a result of information related to the core specification that will be taken by Apple's claim, this tablet also becoming a hot discussion. As quoted PULSAonline via AppleInsider, mentioned that the iPad 2 will put the new processor chip, code-A5, which will support dual-core GPU PowerVR SGX543.

As a result, in addition to providing performance ciamik on the display screen, with high-resolution display graphics side was going to get a touch yahud. So do not be surprised if later iPad 2 will have the ability to play 1080p video. Not limited to iPad 2, other rumors also say that the A5 processor and dual-core GPU PowerVR SGX543 will also pinned in the smartphone iPhone 5.

If we look at current trends, where already many smartphone or tablet PC that comes with dual-core processor-based, so this rumor seems to be true. For certainty, we'll wait.

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